Your data will be incorporated into hc1 in several core record types. These record types relate to each other, so loading them in order is necessary to build dependencies:
Users ➡ Organizations ➡ Contacts/Providers ➡ Panels
Any field name that is pluralized (e.g. HostCodes) can accept multiple values separated by up carets (e.g. Org100^FinOrg100).
Some fields are required for a record to be built in hc1, whereas other fields help drive dashboards but are not required.
An hc1 related field can be customized to accept a list of values. When importing records, these related fields must match a value on the corresponding related list.
RecordKeyID is the database ID that is assigned upon creation. It can then be used to update existing records in the future. This relates to all records in hc1 outside of users.
RecordKeyConnID/RecordKeyHostCode are used in conjunction with each other to update existing records.
User Access Control (UAC) – The User Access Control structure is a grouping of users and organizations into what we call nodes. When a user is added to a specific node, that user now has access to any organizations in that node as well as any of its related records. Users may be related to more than one node. For more information click here.
All organizations need to be created individually before they can be related to each other as a parent or a child organization.
OwnerName is a single value field and does not relate to access in hc1. This person has some type of ownership on the organization.
Download the hc1 Platform Specifications spreadsheet to begin building your records.
Users are individuals with access to hc1. They can be grouped based on roles and access to records in hc1.
An organization is a healthcare entity that provides patient care or work related to that care. Organizations are the central most record in hc1. Other record types like providers, contacts and activities must be related back to an organization.
Contacts are different individuals such as nurses, office managers and billing contacts and may be related to more than one organization.
Providers are specialized contacts that are able to place orders directly for patients, such as Physicians, Doctors or Nurse Practitioners. These individuals would also have a National Provider Identifier (NPI).
Panels are anything that is orderable, whether that is a single test or a group of tests. These would most commonly be sent as part of a HL7 feed.
User Defined Fields (UDFs)
User defined fields (UDFs) are available to capture additional information for certain record types in hc1 . Ten of each UDF type are available for each record type. The UDF must be built in hc1 before import. When importing, the column header must start with an underscore followed by the UDF insight name.