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The Activation Team

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Executive Sponsor

To reduce potential project roadblocks, an executive sponsor is critical. This person is responsible for the overall project direction and success. Once objectives, expectations, and directions are outlined, this member of your team should have the credentials and credibility to eliminate project roadblocks by finding and connecting the necessary people to achieve project success. This individual engages with executives and project management to ensure business alignment and addresses any barriers that would hinder the success of the project. Due to the problem-solving needs of the role, the executive sponsor often needs to be able to exert pressure within the organization to overcome resistance to the project.

Skill Sets

  • Leadership
  • Strategy development
  • Change management
  • Arbitration 

Plan Tasks

  • Identify project goals
  • Ensure business value alignment
  • Provide leadership


Activate Tasks

  • Provide timely decisions
  • Remove barriers to progress
  • Clarify priorities

Deploy Tasks

  • Project sign off

Contact Us

Please contact your Service Delivery Manager or Sales Representative with any questions or concerns you may have.